NVRH Pharmacy Smart Phone App
Our Smart Phone app for requesting NVRH Pharmacy prescription refills has changed. Please download the NEW app from Google or Apple
It’s FREE, and gives you access to prescription refills through your smartphone by allowing your prescription data to be downloaded to your phone, and refill requests submitted electronically when your prescription is due for refill.
Use the NVRH Pharmacy phone number (802) 748-7489 to connect.
Benefits at a Glance
When you have questions or need details about benefits, HR, or our company, the Benefit Portal is open 24/7 to help.
Online Enrollment
You can view and make important changes to your benefit elections, payroll deductions, and much more.
Understanding Your Benefits
Each BenefitsEasy video is designed to help you and your family better understand and use your benefits.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Click the image below for more information
Get the help you need with the Employee Help Desk
Our goal is to make your benefits easy to use and understand, but we are also here to help when you have questions. The Richards Group Employee Help Desk is your single source for help with your benefit questions.